Everything related to flying, airplanes, avionics, software …

Aviation enthusiast for years, licensed since 2014, instrument-rated since 2020. Discovering Europe by plane, writing (and talking) about it. Programming by myself if I find something missing or if I’m unable to fly

The plane
D-ETES, is a 1994 Piper Socata TB10. She is IFR capable, though for serious IFR flying the avionics should be upgraded. Although not as powerful as D-EEBU, she is very comfortable and she sports all the avionics required for long distance flights throughout Europe.

The former plane
D-EEBU, is a 1967 Piper Cherokee 235B. Ranging from a 400 m back-country grass strip up to a big airliner airport: She can do it all. More than 6 hours endurance, a huge payload and IFR-equipment makes her the perfect travel plane across Europe. She is owned by two inspired pilots and I had the honor to fly her as a pilot for more than five years.
D-EEBU Homepage http://www.deebu.de