189 NM, 1 hrs 41 min
We planned this trip as an IFR flight on the day before our flight. However, in the morning, the flight plan was suspended due to altitude restrictions, an airway leg on our route was not available below FL150. A reroute proposal was given, but that led along the coast over Santiago de Compostela, Porto and the along the Duoro river. We decided against that routing for two reasons: 1) this would have diverted us for more than 40 minutes compared to our original routing and 2) there was a chance of CBs and thunderstorms forecasted for the northwestern Spain region that morning.
AF AMD LECO 150451Z 1504/1603 VRB05KT CAVOK TX36/1515Z TN20/1505Z PROB40 TEMPO 1504/1512 14010KT PROB40 TEMPO 1512/1518 28010KT PROB40 TEMPO 1512/1518 28010KT TEMPO 1504/1507 09015G28KT SCT040TCU PROB40 TEMPO 1504/1507 3000 TS SHRA BKN010 SCT040CB=
As the direct route from Asturias to Vila Real was expected to be 100% CAVOK, we decided to file a Z flight plan with an IFR-üickup on the Portuguese border just east of Bragança. We were able to fly at PL75, which gave us a nice view on the Asturian mountains
When approaching the Portuguese border we decided to continue VFR as the weather was really nice, it was only about 30 minutes left to LPVR and the IFR approach would have resulted in a significant detour.
The switch to Vila Real information happens only very late so I was already entering the downwind for RWY20, when I was told that RWY02 was in use, presumably because there was an IFR approach active. After verifying that no other traffic was present I performed a 180 degree turn to enter the pattern in the right direction.
Airport Vila Real LPVR:
Vila Real is an uncontrolled airport which offers an IFR approach. There is one local airline which uses LPVR for connections to Lisbon. There is no AVGAS available, but on the other hand there are no landing fees and no parking fees. You don’t need any PPR, so just arrive and park your plane. Although there is no infrastructure directly located at the airport, there is SIXT station is just 100 meters outside the airport in the industrial zone. I is collocated with the Renault dealer JAPautomotive. Although the offices opening hours are limited, they offer flexible return services, when asked. The city center is just a few kilometers away, making this airport a true recommendation for visiting northern Portugal and especially the Alto Duoro region.
During our stay LPVR was a base for firefighting planes